About Us

Libby Klein is a legal and governance advisor for charities, social enterprises, funders and corporations.

After about a decade in financial services and another (almost) decade in private practice as a lawyer and governance advisor working with Not-for-profits, Libby founded Social Impact Legal so that she could help foster the pursuit of both purpose and profit by NGOs, INGOs, corporations and investors.

Her objective is to increase the positive impact that organisations and private capital have on society.

Libby revels in using her cross-sector qualifications and experience – in law, governance, marketing and agricultural science; working with corporates and NFPs, and in investment management and financial services – to help organisational leaders in their pursuit of both money and meaning.

Social Impact Legal collaborates with a range of consultants with the expertise you need to complement your in-house resources.

  • We do strategy and legal, not just one or the other.
  • You can talk to us like normal human beings rather than as lawyers – because we don’t have a clock ticking (and because we have some personality!)
  • Our advice is always clear and pragmatic, not technical mumbo jumbo – we know you want us to deliver answers and solutions, not serve up problems.
  • We don’t pretend to know stuff we don’t know – if we don’t know, we’ll say so, and either find out or connect you with someone who does.
  • It starts with a free chat over the phone, and then we provide you with a fixed price proposal. We can work at your premises or off-site.

Our services are provided on a professional fee-paying basis.  We are not a pro bono service.

We give you a quote up front.  We guarantee that you will never receive a bill you’re not expecting, and  that you will always receive more value than you pay.

Contact us

Drop us a line anytime, and we will respond to you as soon as possible
